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The journey of developing a personal and professional life that is fulfilling, sustainable and transformative is distinctive to you. With this workbook you will develop greater motivation and commitment to the tasks that are required for progress. You will go from confusion to clarity and gain confidence.


The Wellbeing Workbook


Tips john barletta Tips john barletta

Goal Achievement

Goal achievement, especially when it comes to health and wellbeing, can be a mystery. Most of us have no trouble with the first step (i.e., Setting the Goal). Setting a goal is the easy part; it’s those other steps that can be a puzzle. But you can turn achieving your goals into a science with the right strategies.

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Tips john barletta Tips john barletta

The five stages of marriage

Like people, marriages also go through different developmental stages and predictable crises. This marriage map is meant to give you a broad overview of the experiences most couples have when they negotiate the marital terrain.

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Handouts john barletta Handouts john barletta

Relationship Recovery

This handout contains a number of tips and exercises to assist with Relationship Recovery, including Helpful and Unhelpful Relationship Strategies, the Relationship Repair Process and the Relationship Grid.

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Tips john barletta Tips john barletta

Living a stress-free life

How great would it be if you could be one of those people who never seem to be overstressed and takes everyday hassles in their stride? Implement one of the following sure-fire strategies to help you take control of your life.

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Tips john barletta Tips john barletta

Keeping a work-life balance

Work-Life Balance is a concept that refers to assessing and prioritising your time, resources and effort given to work and life. This is the process of getting the lifestyle balance you want based on values and goals.

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Tips john barletta Tips john barletta

Keeping children on track through divorce

Divorce is a common reality for adults and children. Currently almost half of first marriages end in divorce and a greater proportion of subsequent marriages end the same way. This means that there are inevitably thousands of children of divorce.

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Tips john barletta Tips john barletta

Different coping styles

As you deal with challenges and issues in your life, considering how you alleviate your own psychological stress is critical to your well-being, quality of life and ultimate recovery. People use a variety of ways when attempting to avoid, or cope with, their difficulties.

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Tips john barletta Tips john barletta

Child behaviour management

Dr Rudolf Dreikurs positive non-punishing concepts of democratic and respectful parenting, and classroom behaviour management, are the hallmarks of his beliefs about raising happy, independent, and responsible children.

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Tips john barletta Tips john barletta

Recovering after infidelity

When an affair is first discovered, both partners can feel as if their whole world has collapsed and saving a relationship from the effects of an affair can be a huge challenge.

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Exercises john barletta Exercises john barletta

Exploring Resilience

Resilience is the ability to adapt positively in the face of significant adversity, trauma or stress. You can get a sense of your own resilience by assessing how well you adjust so as to cope with adverse life events.

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Tips john barletta Tips john barletta

Treating a phobia

It’s only natural to want to avoid the thing or situation you fear. But when it comes to conquering phobias, facing your fears is the key.

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